Thursday, February 25, 2010


An ambiguous day.
This feeling is not born out of personal insecurity; it is a real need and desire to give and receive love.
...thats where I pick myself up from today.
Was it a day of to much coffee; or was there to much opertunity; or nothing interesting to conspire. (conspire Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French conspirer, from Latin conspirare to be in harmony, conspire, from com- + spirare to breathe)
No outlet for the stag or just a flirt of relief?
Appreciation grows ...
Nothing working against the harmony; the music and melody was fine.
2 : to act in harmony toward a common end

Or maybe I demand more love than willing to give. But for this to occur there must be a predisposition to it in my nature.

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Monday, February 1, 2010

FEBRUARY 1, 2010

A gathering today in search of posts past, for something self evident to aply to answers for today.
From a "The world as it is" , to a "Wonderful opportunities" (see tomorrow's "Groundhog's Day) in "A need for newness" whether Libra or Leo rising.
Today's Presbyterianism questioned... and every other aspect encompassing colide; whether in conjuction or paralell retrospect, the overwhelming factors were just that some things may be to good to believe without question. After further review, the process has taken the bliss to another level.
Stumbling onto another new paradox to unravel; An ontological paradox is a paradox of time travel that questions the existence and creation of information and objects that travel in time. It is very closely related to the predestination paradox and usually occurs at the same time. In simpler terms, an object is brought back in time, and it becomes the object that was initially brought back in time in the first place.

I found a "Re:" I made to the topic "It is Time to Talk about Time" via the keywords "ole_ship and "groundhog's day" and Low On Love God
{01/14/2008 12:45 PM } This may be the area we work with as if we set up the chart of flow from positive to negative, or which ever-point an "a" flows to a point "b", that is of when the "Only space is very mysterious about which we have no knowledge except that it does not interacts with us.", I think a truer concept is that we set things up in use of some theoretical physics that show some result TO TRUST and BANK by Choice; that is a tangent I believe is "we dont know how or why space interacts with us, but it does". Biblical - Moving mountains, Holywood-Groundhog Day or finding that authentic swing..., ...

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