Thursday, December 13, 2007

Love, Ooh La La, How The Aroma Of Dinner Awakes!

"The fifth element", ahh or defined to fine taste is not bitter, sweet, sour, or salty. It's just like ooh la la, ew, and ummm. Pronounced "ew", like "oooo", ewe baby(a sheep); that is to say, when its unami. "Umami" is now dubbed "the fifth taste." pronounced "oo-MA-mee"?

The Wall Street Journal article A New Taste Sensation
And - Links See also 10 ingredients chefs are turning to to ramp up the umami taste.
Plus, listen to tips on trying umami at home.

class="entry-header">Ew> Umami>Ahh>The 1/5 Element>Senses>Body>...

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